2D Design These are me personal works, check them out! These are some of the tens of hundreds of orthographic material I make of steam engines in my spare time, obsessing over every detail of these is my passion. I handpicked 6 to show off the varied locations I pull from while making these. This piece shows off some original characters I have made in the past and continue to use and iterate on to this day. This is a more realistic take on a skull I made with a hatched shading style to give it personality and style. This is a picture of me I drew over to use as a profile photo across my social media presence. This piece was made as a text of shading and texturing letters in a realistic fashion. none of this is a font it was all made 100% by me. This is a drawing I made of my friends original character as a gift. Iterating on the design and giving it my own flair in the process. This is a logo I made of my original character to experiment with different designs. This is a fictitious logo for the company "Star Tug & Marine". This is another iteration on my original character's design with a more fleshed out style of shading and more "rubber hose" styled limbs.